Friday, September 20, 2013

Math Games

Happy Friday bloggers!  We don't have school today because it's Fair Day...Thank you agriculture for a day off! ;)

We've been working on number and counting concepts for a few weeks.  I've used lots of activities with the 100 chart to help my kiddos recognize their numbers.  Their favorite game so far has been "ZAP!" where they take turns pulling a card from a bucket.  If the card has a number, the student must read it to the group.  If it says "ZAP!" then the game is over.  They love it!

We've also been using the 100's chart puzzles and tile boards that I blogged about last year.  These are both really great tools to check a student's counting strategies.

The back of these boards are blank, so when students finish the front side I have them flip for an extra challenge.  Extra motivation to finish!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Classroom Tour!

Time for some classroom photos!  It's taken a while to get everything the way I want, but I think I'm, finally finished! =]

A few shots from my desk...

Our cozy reading corner!  I fell in love with those pillows...10 bucks at Wal-Mart!  The book bins hold our leveled books for Read to Self.  I also posted our stamina chart as a visual reminder for the students.  They made it to 15 minutes quicker than I had planned!

Math/Calendar Wall

Small group table for word work and Daily 5 schedule

Student mailboxes and word work materials...students can choose from stamps, sight word bottles, rainbow writing, and typing sight words with keyboards

Found these vines at Michael's!  I also picked up the scrapbook paper squares.  These will be our "Wall of Fame" squares where students post their best pieces of writing.

More "Wall of Fame" squares above student cubbies

Found this amazing zebra rug at Wal-Mart, couldn't pass it up!!

Student book boxes next to our reading corner.  Thank you Target dollar spot!!  This area also houses our birthday chart/rewards and the magazine holders I made over the summer.  Read more about that project here!

Also found this plastic tablecloth at  Wal-Mart.  Snagged it for our word wall!  Last week we practiced color words, and then added them to the wall. 

Last but not least, we've been learning about all of the things that good readers and writers do.  I love displaying anchor charts as a visual reminder for students!

Next week we will be discussing what good mathematicians do! =]