Monday, October 29, 2012

Please excuse the construction!

Krazy for Kindergarten is getting a facelift!  Please welcome "Club Kindergarten"!  We have two days off of school thanks to Hurricane Sandy, so I've decided to spend this time working on the blog.

Yay for a registered domain!  Check out the new url!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Time for our apples unit!  This is one of my faves! :)

We've done lots of fun apple-y activities.  We did a taste test to see which color was our favorite.  Afterwards, we graphed the results.

We did a five senses activity...

And we labeled the parts of an apple.

So much fun!  This week I'll be bringing in my slow cooker so we can make applesauce together!

To nab my free "Apples" unit, head over to my TPT store! :)

Monday, October 8, 2012


Happy Columbus Day!  Hope you're enjoying it.  We had a two hour early dismissal today and a teacher work session, so today was very productive!

We had a little lesson in creativity during math today!  I read the book "Galimoto" by Karen Lynn Williams.  If you haven't read this, I definitely recommend it.  It's a Reading Rainbow book about a boy named Kondi.  Throughout the story, Kondi collects pieces of wire, which he later uses to create a "Galimoto", a toy car.  In the end of the story, Kondi is dreaming about other things he can make using the pieces of wire.

After reading the story, I gave each student four pipe cleaners to create their own "Galimotos".  Since it was a shortened day, I just gave the students time to explore and create with their pipe cleaners.  As an extension, you could have students draw and write about their "Galimoto" creations.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Firefighter Visit and Number Talks!

Happy Tuesday!  Today was a VERY exciting day in kindergarten.  We had a few of the local firefighters come and talk to us about fire safety!  The students were able to see the inside of an ambulance and fire engine.  They loved it!

In other news, I've been working on flashcards to use for our math "Number Talks".  This is a concept that was introduced at one of our professional development sessions.  Check out this video to see how it's done:

So I've been working on making a set of cards with ten frames, number lines, dice faces, etc.  I've finally finished!  If you want to nab the file for free, head over to my TPT store.