It's Gingerbread Time!! Each year we send home a paper cut out of the gingerbread man, and ask families to decorate it at home and then send it back. I like to make a big display on one of my bulletin boards, complete with a construction paper gingerbread house. Some of the students get really creative with this!

We've been reading several different versions of the gingerbread story, and comparing and contrasting. In "The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School" by Laura Murray, students create a gingerbread man in their classroom, but then leave to go to recess. The gingerbread man runs through the school trying to find his class. While looking for them, he sees "missing" posters hanging on the walls. He realizes his class his been looking for him as well. We paused at this point in the story to make our own "missing" posters!
While reading another version, we decided that maybe we should help the gingerbread man hide from the old man and the old woman!
Our classes have also been working on a STEM challenge this week, designing and building a trap to catch the gingerbread man. We brainstormed ideas, drew our designs, and then voted to pick the top four class designs. Next week we will be working in teams to draw blueprints and then build our traps! I wonder what we will catch...? Stay tuned for pictures!
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