Happy New Year everyone, and happy blogging!!
I found a great teacher article on Edutopia today, New Things to Try in 2015...It's got some great ideas for the classroom, including an idea for a math "wonder shelf". I think this would be such a cool idea for math time, and even for inside recess. Simple Little Home has a picture of their own math shelf at home. It's so organized and inviting!

In my classroom, all of my math manipulatives are on a shelf for easy access, but they don't look this pretty! I'd like to make it look more inviting so students want to use the materials. It would be great for student-directed math time, which I'd love to incorporate into our daily schedule. My students play some type of fun math game each day, but I'd love to give them a few options and materials to choose from and let them explore on their own.
Anyway, happy 2015 and everyone enjoy your last few days of break! :)