Guess what day Friday was?!?
The 100th day is always one of my favorites and I plan lots of fun activities for my students. It's a great way to celebrate how far we've come! First, we brainstormed 100 reasons why we love our school! Each student received a handful of hearts, and I asked them to write a few words on each one about what makes our school special. When we put them together, we had 100 hearts and 100 reasons why we love our school!
I kinda took over the hallway with the rest of our activities! =)
All day I threw out cool little factoids about the number 100, and then we completed an activity to go along with them.
Our football discussion got a bit heated! Some of my firsties are hardcore fans!! =)
This last activity was one of my faves. During the discussion of sounds that we can make, one student raised his hand and quite seriously responded, "fart". No giggle, no smile, just an honest, straightforward response! We discussed it and decided not to put it on the chart, but it definitely made us giggle a bit!
And of course, we made our 100 day crowns to wear all day. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a pic! =(
The past few weeks we've been working on addition and subtraction fluency within 20. I found winter foam stickers in Target's clearance section...SCORE! So I gave each student a collection of stickers, two shapes for each child. They had to sort, peel and stick, and then write an equation to match. They had a lot of fun with it!
Then I told my students I was going to give them a bit of a challenge. I put three numbers on my easel, and asked them to write as many true addition equations as they could containing those numbers. Some of them really rose to the occasion. The responses were awesome!
This is definitely an exercise that we will continue to do! Maybe subtraction next time!