Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day!

Today our class discussed all of the ways we can help keep our Earth clean!  After our discussion, the students paired up to play an awesome Earth Day game made by Jane Loretz.  Check it out on her TPT!  The kiddos LOVE some friendly competition!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Asking and Answering Questions

Ack it's been sooo long since my last post!!  Grad classes keep me so so busy :(

 Anywho, this week we've been working on asking and answering questions related to a given text.  We started with a whole group lesson and read a nonfiction book about oranges and orange juice.  When we were finished, we discussed the importance of asking questions before, during, and after reading a book.  We then made a list of questions we had about oranges or orange juice.  I especially liked "Does Wegman's sell orange juice?"  Some of the students were quick to answer that question! :)

Then, in our guided reading groups, we read a book together, and each student generated a question that they had while reading.  Students wrote their questions down on a post-it, and then we went around the circle and discussed each question, as well as possible answers.

Here are some of the activities that students were working on this week at other centers...

Making word family words in our pocket chart.

 Practicing syllables with Pete the Cat!  I printed this a while ago, and now unfortunately cannot find it again.  If anyone knows the source, please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due!  Sorry!!

This is a game called "Vowel Zoo".  I found this in one of Scholastic's "File Folder Game" books.  Students take turns picking up a game card.  Each card has a different zoo animal on it.  Students must find the vowel in the word, decide if it's long or short, and then move their game piece to the corresponding square.

I snagged this awesome "Crossing the Delaware" game from another teacher who was changing grades last year.  For each word, students must figure out which vowel is missing, and then stick it on with velcro.

When we began our word family unit, I took several tab folders and wrote one word family on each.  Students had the opportunity to write as many words as they could that fit in the word family.  Now that the folders are filled up, students can read through all of the words and add any that we may have left out.

Last year I bought some cheap keyboards from Micro Center and cut the cord off of the back.  I didn't like how small the letters were on each key, so I bought colorful letter stickers to put over each key.  Towards the beginning of the year, students used these to practice typing sight words.  Now, students choose a word family that we've studied and type a few words from that family.

Also, check out this AWESOME castle I just bought!!  This is our new classroom "Reading Castle!"  Anyone who's inside must be reading!  The kids LOVE it!!

Everyone have a great Friday tomorrow!! :)