Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Place Value

I'm sooo loving all of the place value games and activities all over Pinterest! :) My kinders love playing with tens and ones blocks, creating numbers and then breaking them apart.  Check out these awesome 100's charts that I borrowed from our special education department...

On one side, the yellow charts list all of the numbers 1-100.  We've practiced matching up the numbers for a few days, so today I flipped the boards over for an added challenge.  I love the counting strategies that the students used to figure out where to place each number tile!

I'm also a big fan of this "Sprint to 100" game from Down Under Teacher.

Oceans of First Grade Fun also has plenty of great place value games.

One more day until our spring break!  Can you believe this week actually started with a snow day?  Crazy weather!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Break Yet?

7 more days are all that stand between me and Ohio! :)

I'm so excited!  Is it too early to start packing?

One of the projects I've been working on for my classes is setting individual instructional goals for my students, depending on their independent learning levels.  Aka, differentiation!  Right now we are working on writing our own nonfiction stories on a topic of choiceI whipped up a little visual to help us with our writing goals.

There is something similar floating around on Pinterest, but with post-its.  I was afraid those wouldn't stay on, so we use popsicle sticks.  I hold writer's conferences with each student, and then they put a popsicle stick in 1 area that they need to improve.  The kids have really taken ownership of their goals.  It's a wonderful motivator! :) 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Wishy Washy

Good morning fellow bloggers!  Everyone adjusting to the time change last night?  It always stinks losing an hour of sleep, but it's so worth it for that extra hour of daylight.

Our school is gearing up for our family literacy night this week.  I'm doing a session with one of our other K teachers.  It's going to be "Wishy Washy" themedJoy Cowley is so fantastic!  So I've been scouring Pinterest and TPT for lots of Wishy Washy ideas.


I'm loving all of the goodies over at "Making Learning Fun"!  And I found this adorable set of Wishy Washy clipart pinned on Pinterest, but I can't find the actual file on Melonheadz website :( 

Pinned Image

Still cute though!  Anyone have some other good Wishy Washy ideas?

I feel like I've been so busy lately with school and grad classes, I've had to put my blog on the back burner.  Hopefully things will let up soon and I can get back to updating more often!  Everyone have a great week! :) 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snow, Snow, Snow!!


It's our first one of the year, and needless to say, I'm pretty stoked :) I'm gonna take some time to work on a few grad school projects and maybe a new TPT unit!

I'm loving this linky from Fifth in the MiddleCheck out some other teacher blogs in your own state!

Alright, time to work!