I always forget how much work it is to get a classroom ready! Today was a very productive day, though I'm not quite finished. I'm going for a jungle theme this year, so I put up a few trees around the room! I have a few more decorative touches to add next week, but here's a peek inside!
This weekend I'm going on a hunt for some animals to hang on the trees!
I've arranged all of my classroom furniture, although I'm sure I will change my mind a few dozen times before school starts up! I have a new get-to-know-you activity that I'm planning this year. Each student will get a blank t-shirt template. Each student must fill the shirt with drawings of things that are important to him or her. We'll have a little show and tell party, and then hang the shirts up on clothesline in our classroom. Instant feeling of community and ownership, plus a really cute decoration!
It's hard to believe the summer is
almost over. As always, there just isn't enough time! I've been hard
at work on materials and ideas for this upcoming school year. It's
going to be a great one!
This year will be my third year teaching
kindergarten in Maryland. This grade level is so amazing to work
with. Everyday is a surprise, and the students certainly keep me on my
feet. I can't wait to see what's in store for this year!